Complementary Documentation: Available Wisconsin WIOA Employment and Training Services Overview

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

We are pleased to announce that an overview of Available Wisconsin WIOA Employment and Training Services has been added to This resource was requested by field staff and should be used in conjunction with the Directory of Workforce Services and An Introduction to WIOA training. The document provides information about the various WIOA employment and training programs and the services offered in Wisconsin.

Key features of this communications resource:

  • Replicates the language and colors used in both the directory and training to ensure consistent messaging.
  • Presents an easy-to-consume summary that complements other resources.
  • Provides the opportunity to incorporate new partners, as needed, over time.
  • Allows flexibility to choose a version that best suits the medium in which the information will be consumed. Both versions can be printed, with one being compatible with a black and white printer to ensure quality. The color version also has clickable links, making it the most suitable option when sending digitally.

Link to Available Wisconsin WIOA Employment and Training Services document

Link to Directory of Workforce Services

Link to An Introduction to WIOA training

Thank you,

WIOA Integrated Service Delivery Communications Team