WIOA Knowledge Center

The Knowledge Center is a place for staff from WIOA Titles programs and partner programs to find policy, training resources, and data as well as other useful materials to improve integrated service delivery and the customer experience.

The cover photo and link to the WIOA State Plan

WIOA State Plan

Every four years, WIOA partners participate in developing a State Plan to outline a strategy for Wisconsin's workforce development system. Every two years, the State Plan is modified with any needed updates.

Training Resources

An Introduction to WIOA

Find contact information in your county for employment and training services, how to connect to those services, and where to find physical Job Center locations.

An Introduction to WIOA was created to help us become more familiar with WIOA as a whole as well as each WIOA program so we can better help our clients find their path to success. This 30-minute training is for all WIOA partners and staff, both new and experienced. The training is indexed and can be used as a quick reference to details on specific partners.


Population and Co-enrollment Reports

The WIOA Population and Co-Enrollment Dashboard is a series of interactive, descriptive reports on the various WIOA Title and Partner Programs. The reports focus on population size, relative population size, population overlap, and co-enrollment among programs.