WIOA Basics

Created by federal law in 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act streamlines the workforce development system to offer services to support the individual as a whole resulting in successful employment in the competitive labor market. In Wisconsin, WIOA encompasses four Titles and two partner programs. The Department of Workforce Development, or DWD, is the state’s federally‐designated workforce agency and is therefore, responsible for the overall implementation of WIOA. The Wisconsin Technical College System is specifically responsible for implementing the Adult Basic Education Program and English Language Learner Program, or Title II of the law.

A primary goal for WIOA in Wisconsin is to deliver seamless, customer‐focused, integrated services across all WIOA Titles and partner programs.

WIOA Titles and Partner Programs

WIOA Service Delivery System

Each of Wisconsin’s 11 Workforce Development Areas is directed by its own board. All of the coordinated efforts by the partners, including the coordination with the technical college districts, happen within and across these 11 areas.

An important fixture in each workforce development area are the local Job Centers. WIOA established the American Job Centers network to provide both job seekers and employers streamlined access to various government-administered education, training, and employment services. In Wisconsin, there are 53 Job Centers throughout the state, which includes 23 comprehensive and 30 affiliate Job Centers. These Job Centers are where partners, which may include the local technical colleges, WDBs, DVR, Job Service, local school districts, TANF providers, W-2 providers and others, coordinate service delivery.

Each WDB is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the WIOA programs in its respective areas. A local WDB is responsible for making decisions on local policies and procedures, managing its share of the federal WIOA funds, and administering contracts with service providers to run some of the WIOA programs on a day-to-day basis.

Map of the state of Wisconsin counties split into WDA areas