WIOA Population and Co-Enrollment Report Now Available

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the WIOA Population and Co-Enrollment Dashboard has been added to wioa.wisconsin.gov.

The dashboard is a series of interactive, descriptive reports on the various WIOA Title and Partner Programs. These reports show:

  • Population – the size of the programs individually and relative to other programs
  • Co-Enrollment – the relative overlap

Population refers to the number of people we serve using our federal definitions of reportable individuals and/or participants.

  • Reportable individuals either applied for and did not receive services or accessed self-service options available on Job Center of Wisconsin (JCW).
  • Participants are individuals who reach a specific level of service as defined by each program. These are the individuals we gather post-service wage information to see if our program services helped the individual.

Co-Enrollment is defined as a person who was either a reportable or a participant of more than one program during a specific program year.

The programs currently reflected in the dashboards are:

  • Title I: Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Worker
  • Title III: Wagner-Peyser
  • Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation
  • TAA: Trade Adjustment Act
  • OVES: Office of Veteran Employment Services

Over time, we would like to add other programs to these dashboards or other more formalized data tools. The dashboard represents our steps to help Program Managers, Policy Analysts, Integrated Service Delivery Teams, local Workforce Development Area Management Teams, local Workforce Boards, and One-Stop Operators in their strategic planning processes for activities and goals related to improving overall Integrated Service Delivery and the One-Stop Customer Experience.

Thank you,

WIOA Integrated Service Delivery Communications Team